Properties Mutation
Create or update properties in EverReal
Mutation Types
Mutations are responsible to insert or update a specific register, the operation insert or update is defined by externalId
, in case this property was imported previously, this mutation will updated the resource, otherwise will create the property.
Here are details on the capabilities of different mutations
mutation is used to create or update a property in Everreal system and property added to the system cannot be modified by Everreal and if needs to be modified it should be done via the same endpoint itself.The
mutation is used to delete the property relation with the external integration source, doing this will not delete the property but instead it will remain as a detached property from integration and can be modified using Everreal.
Schema Definition
items with ! notation are required
If you don't have a value for a required field that is an enum, then pass the default value, for
then it should contain ownerId.
When Owner or ResponsibleUser is changed in property the value will be inherited to the units attached to property and owner, unitResponsible will be updated respectively.
Also, When OwnershipType and ResponsibilityUserType is changed to MULTIPLE,
the value of the owner and responsible users will not be cleared in unit level instead retains previous value.
Enum | Default | Possible Values |
Below we are providing a full example how to create or update a property, all this information is not required, only the ones that was using ! notation previously.
Last updated