
Pagination is a technique that allows you to divide a large set of data into smaller chunks that can be easily retrieved and displayed

To use pagination in your API, you need to specify two parameters in your request: take and skip. The take parameter determines how many items you want to receive in each response, while the skip parameter determines how many items you want to skip from the beginning of the data set.

For example, if you have 100 items in total and you want to get 10 items per page, you can use take=10 and skip=0 for the first page, take=10 and skip=10 for the second page, and so on. By using pagination, you can improve the performance and usability of your API.

# usage of pagination with owners query
    owners(input: {filter: <your filters>, paging: {skip:0, take:50}})
    { id }

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