Our property query will get you the list of properties from the respective company. We provides ability to filter the property query by externalId, propertyId, ownerId, propertyGroupId and fullSearch over property name. Please make sure the paging option is used to fetch more items.
Copy type Query {
properties(input: PropertiesFilterListPaging): [Property]
Copy input PropertiesFilterListPaging {
filter: PropertiesFilter
paging: GraphPaging
sort: GraphSorting
input PropertiesFilter {
id: String
companyId: String
propertyId: String @deprecated(reason: "propertyId is deprecated. Use id instead.")
externalId: String
propertyGroupId: String
ownerId: String
fullSearch: String
updatedAt: IDateRange
input IDateRange {
from: String
to: String
input GraphPaging {
skip: Int
take: Int
input GraphSorting {
fieldName: String
direction: String
type Property {
id: String
objectId: String
externalId: String
name: String
category: String
subtype: String
type: String
ownershipType: String
fullAddress: String
ownerId: String
yearBuilt: Int
noOfStories: Int
createdAt: DateTime
updatedAt: DateTime
company: Company
address: Address
descriptions: PropertyDescription
owner: Owner
listings: [Listing]
units: [Unit]
group: PropertyGroup
responsibleUserId: String
responsibleUser: ResponsibleUser
type ResponsibleUser {
id: String
email: String
firstName: String
lastName: String
type Company {
id: String
name: String
partnerId: String
listings: [Listing]
type Address {
street: String
number: String
zip: String
city: String
country: String
location: GeoLocation
type Listing {
id: String
title: String
type: String
companyId: String
listingResponsible: User
contractDetails: ListingContractDetails
coverPicture: IFile
pictures: [IFile]
documents: [IFile]
floorplans: [IFile]
company: Company
property: Property
unit: Unit
createdAt: DateTime
updatedAt: DateTime
type Unit {
id: String
objectId: String
name: String
category: String
type: String
subtype: String
leasingStatuses: UnitLeasingStatuses
availability: [Availability]
leasingStatusEnum: String
leasingStatusesEnum: [String]
floorNumber: Float
surface: Float
livingSurface: Float
hasMainStorage: Boolean
rooms: UnitRooms
owner: Owner
property: Property
createdAt: DateTime
updatedAt: DateTime
type PropertyDescription {
object: String
amenities: String
location: String
other: String